In light of the extraordinary impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown measures on the energy system. Pandemic COVID-19 are seriously giving impact globally include domestic electric demand. On my reflection, I showed my family electric’s bill. It recorded high reading of electric watt consumed compared to before MCO. I strongly believe others also experienced high electricity bills while some still juggling with their life. This electric bill is not supposed consider as burdensome to us as it actually can help us in cutting off unnecessary expenses. So, I proposed with the idea of developing an apps for smart use of electricity. It is called Hometricity.

Here you can see an outlook of Hometricity apps:


There are some interesting yet useful features that guide people to manage electricity in smart way. As you can see in the figure below, there are five useful features provided in this apps. 

1. Make your to-do list

In this feature, there would be a list of daily energy saving routine that should be done by the users. Users need to tick (/) on that action if they already did. A notification would be beeping to remind the users to complete all the routines. Other than that, the users also can add and customize their energy saving routine according to their daily home routine. 


2. How your appliances incurred?

The electricity consumption cost per household depends on family size, living habits, number and age of electrical appliances and hours of usage. Users can calculate the estimated electricity cost for different appliances using the following formula:

  • Power rating of the electrical appliance and its efficiency
  • Number of hours used
  • The domestic tariff rate per kilowatt - hour (kWh)

Electricity Consumption (kWh) = 

Power (watts) x Hours of Operation x 30 days ÷ 1000. 

The electricity bill calculation is based on the current domestic tariff rate. In general, every electrical appliance has their operation cost. This feature would guide the user to calculate the usage cost of particular electrical appliances. Monitoring your consumption can help you identify where energy can be used more efficiently. 


3. Kill your curiosity

There would be series of questions regarding the household electric consumption. The results would reflect their daily usage of electrical appliances. The user is able to figure out the cause of their high electric bills. So, this apps would suggest the smart solution in order to help the user minimize the unnecessary energy usage.


4. Energy efficiency tips

The user would get benefit from the list of helpful tips provided to save energy in smarter way. They can apply all the energy saving tips at their home. 


5. Plan your electric bills

 In this feature, the user would upload their monthly electric bills. They have to fill the details of their bills and this apps would help in analyzing their electric bills. The proper lesson also provides for the user to understand their bills. Hence, they would be able to plan wisely on electric consumption in order to reduce the cost of their upcoming electric bills.


Community Impact:

This Hometricity apps is focus to help people out there to manage the electric consumption in smart way. It would definitely help the user with helpful features on energy savings at home. This apps are free and available for both Android and Apple user. All the features and user interface of this apps is easy to handle and suitable for wide ranges of user. The user is surely getting a lot of benefits through this feasible and useful apps. 


Everything to help you save and be more efficient, while being greener and kinder to the earth. There is no one will help you accept yourself. And Hometricity will make your dream comes true for a better energy usage. 


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